Episode 1 features conversation with Kathleen Oliver: playwright (Swollen Tongues), teacher and theatre critic (The Georgia Strait). Set between excerpts from Pochsy’s Lips, this chat has a special focus on satire.

Show notes and alternate tracks – LISTEN

Episode 2 features conversation with Mike Kennard and John Turner, renowned teachers of clowning and bouffon as well as the creators and performers of internationally acclaimed adult horror clowns Mump & Smoot. Focus of the conversation is on bouffon and clown in text: marrying form and content.

Show notes and alternate tracks – LISTEN

Episode 3 features conversation with Jamie Dunsdon: director, writer, solo performer. Conversation focuses on fine lines between bouffon and “regular” satire, and the essential practice of caring enough not to care.

Show notes and alternate tracks – LISTEN

Episode 4 features conversation with Justin Miller: writer, performer and drag artist best known as Pearle Harbour. This episode features work in progress for Citizen Pochsy about two years before it premiered. There are some big mistakes in this performance that show you how to lose an audience, and how to win them back.

Show notes and alternate tracks – LISTEN